Before you spend money on a new truck scale, why not ask yourself twelve key questions below. Once you can answer these questions, purchasing a truck scale should be much easier.
1. What size scale do you need? a common answer is 11 ft x 70 ft.
2. Type of deck you need? Steel or Concrete
3. Type of scale interested in? OTR ATV SR PT or other model
4. Foundation already exist or do you need a new one?
5. Will the scale be Grouted or Shimmed?
6. Guiderails needed? How about the number of manholes needed? Clean outs? Yes or No
7. Is NTEP Legal for Trade required?
8. Finish upgrade needed like special paint?
9. What type of business will the scale be used in?
10. What type of trucks/equipment are using the scale? What is the largest vehicle weighed?
11. What is the axle configuration of vehicles being weighed? Single Tandem Triple Axle
12. How many trucks will be weighed per day?