Plenty of “comparable” truck scales are designed and built with both a top and underside plate. This closed-bottom style produces a cavity for harsh moisture buildup. This moisture content build-up results in the rusting of inner parts encased in the cavity. That corrosive rust could eventually result in total failure of the scale. Rice Lake SURVIVOR steel deck truck scales include a completely open-bottom design and style. The open-bottom layout enables unhindered airflow removing the cavity in which rust-causing moisture can build-up. Plus, a 2-to 4-mills thick high solids urethane paint finish is applied Continue reading
Author Archives: Scale Man
Truck Scale Readability Notes
According to Handbook 44 and the laws that apply to a Class III L device, 200,000 lbs is the maximum gross capacity that any truck scale system can have and still maintain 20 lb increments in legal-for-trade-applications (10,000 divisions). For somebody to set up a truck scale with a capacity rating above 200,000 lbs, the minimum increment size jumps to 50 lbs and that is undesirable for obvious reasons.
There are scales with gross capacity ranges that go up to 270,000 pounds or more. Therefore, if you should happen to encounter a set of requirements or bid specifications that require a gross capacity of greater than 200,000 pounds (120 tons or 135 tons seem to appear now and then), that spec can be met, however, the system cannot be used above 200,000 pounds unless the end user is willing to operate with 50 pound increments.
On a related note, the GSE 60 series indicators have NTEP approved multi-ranging capability. For example, at time of calibration, the scale company can setup the indicator to read by 20 lb increments up to and below 200,000 lbs and then switch to 50 lb increments above 200,000 lbs.
OTR Features 100,000 lb. Concentrated Load Capacity
Have you heard the latest news regarding the Rice Lake OTR truck scale? Now with an even higher 100,000 pound concentrated load capacity (CLC), Rice Lake SURVIVOR OTR truck scale has raised the bar yet again. This scale has always been known for its strength, performance and value.
The above ground or pit-type SURVIVOR OTR, available in both steel and concrete deck, has long been the industry’s strongest weighbridge design, known for its tightly spaced wide flange i-beams and more steel per square inch. But now, this recent boost in overall capacity cements the OTRs position in truck scale design.
Rice Lake says, even as traffic climbs as high as 250 fully loaded trucks per day, expect no less than 25 years of solid service from any SURVIVOR OTR. This celebrated weighbridge design combines convenient top access to load cells, a low profile for easy approaches, and self-setting connectors for quick installation and future expansion.
The SURVIVOR OTR Series truck scale is an outstanding design that incorporates the most advanced engineering and production technology to manufacture the highest quality vehicle weighing system in the marketplace. The OTR Series scales don’t sacrifice quality for price. Both the OTR concrete and steel deck models boast wide flange Continue reading
Choose Reputable Scale Service Company With Correct Tools
Most of the time we focus on how to buy scales or what features are ideal for your next truck scale purchase. Today we wanted to briefly discuss truck scale service and repairs since eventually you will have to call to have service and repair done on your truck scale.
And let’s face it, if a repair isn’t done right and efficiently, any money you saved on your truck scale purchase could be lost in a lengthy repair. Almost every digital scale from a small bench scale to a large truck scale has a digital weight indicator. Most scales have one or more load cells. Quite a few scales have a junction box with summing board. Most electronic truck scales feature these components as well.
Most of the time to test and calibrate these bench and floor scales, you just place test weights in a few spots, test and calibrate if necessary. However, the testing and calibration that is performed on a truck scale varies from the standard bench and floor scales.
Most truck scales are checked with test weights and a portable test cart filled with certified weight. This allows the scale technician to drive the cart over the scale and test the scale more thoroughly than just placing weights on the end of the scale. Having a test cart with weights should allow you to get a better and more detailed test of your truck scale than if you don’t use a cart.
That is one reason it is important to choose a truck scale calibration service company that has a test cart in North Carolina that can test truck scales accurately. Companies that don’t have a test cart can be at a disadvantage when it comes to finding certain hard to find errors that can creep into the picture from time to time.
Portable Axle Scales
Cardinal’s completely portable, two-module axle load scale gives you the performance you need, where you need it and when you need it. Available in either steel or aluminum. A real lightweight (only 400 lbs per aluminum platform) that handles the heavyweights (60,000 lbs capacity). Each Cardinal 760 axle scale platform comes complete with either steel or aluminum ramps, NEMA 4 junction box, environmentally-protected stainless steel load cells, and four access ramps. Each platform features a 30,000 pound capacity.
760 System (Your choice of aluminum or steel platforms)
Two (2) each platforms with 2 ramps each (total of 4 ramps).
Axle capacity for tandem platforms: 60,000 lbs.
Stainless steel, environmentally protected load cells.
Weighbridge size: 7 ft. L x 30 in. W x 5.5 in. H.
Overall dimensions with ramps: 10 ft. L x 30 in. W x 5.5 in. H.
Extend your 760 axle load scale’s weighing capabilities with one of Cardinal Scale’s versatile digital weight indicators like Cardinal 225 digital weight indicator, P150 battery operated printer and calibration for a complete portable weighing solution that is versatile and affordable.
Load Cell Cable
Most truck scales have multiple load cells inside the weighing platform. Those load cells have cables.The load cell cable usually connects to the junction box. Then, load cell cable runs from the Junction Box to the Digital Weight Indicator. As you can see, there are a lot of parts inside the scale that require load cell cable. Below are some different types of cable available.
EL146 Standard Load Cell Cable, 4 Wire
* 20 AWG tinned copper wire stranded for flexibility
* Braided shielding is encased in red PVC
* All conductors are industry-standard color coded
* Diameter – EL146: 0.25″ (6.4 mm); EL147: 0.29″ (7.4 mm)
* Use the 4-wire cable for repairing or extending existing cable
* Temperature rating -30º C to 80º C
EL147 Standard Load Cell Cable, 6 Wire
* 20 AWG tinned copper wire stranded for flexibility
* Braided shielding is encased in red PVC
* All conductors are industry-standard color coded
* Diameter – EL146: 0.25″ (6.4 mm); EL147: 0.29″ (7.4 mm)
* The 6-wire cable is best suited for longer runs where remote sense lines can be used
* Temperature rating -30º C to 80º C Continue reading
Rail Systems for Truck Scales
The Mine Safety Health Administration (MSHA) issued a Program Policy Letter (link has been removed since we wrote this article years ago) that was intended to provide guidance for guardrails or other restraint systems. The Policy Letter highlights different requirements based on the elevation profile of the weighbridge of a truck scale.
– If the profile is 16 or less, then standard 8 high guide rails are satisfactory.
– If the profile is greater than 16, then it must be treated differently.
Several standard offerings for a double-high rail system, with the top rail at 24 above the deck, reaches center-of-axle on a vast majority of over-the-road vehicles, but as the regulation states, any guardrail should extend to at least mid-axle height of the largest truck using the scale. Therefore, it becomes the responsibility of the end user to advise their sales person and the truck scale manufacturer on their actual height requirement based on the largest trucks to be weighed.
Keep in mind that rail systems provided on a typical truck scale are referred to as guide rails or rub rails or sight rails, but definitely not guardrails as MSHA chooses to define them. Therefore, most if not all, scale manufacturers do not claim that any of the guide rail systems attached to truck scales are fully MSHA compliant as there are simply too many application variables identified in the regulation and it really must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Continue reading
Research and Homework
As we have mentioned previously, buying a truck scale is a process and requires research and homework. Quite often the final decision should not be just about price alone. There are other factors to consider as well.
The foundation that is under the truck scale needs to be solid and measured correctly. The weighbridge needs to be built tough and built to withstand the elements for years. The ramp and approach on each end of the scale must meet certain standards. The digital weight indicator that is used for the scale needs to be one that meets the customers needs.
Does the customer prefer a bright red LED display or a gray and black LCD? Does the customer wish to store Truck ID numbers as the trucks go in and out from the scale? Does the customer hope to connect the digital indicator to a ticket printer? What if they want to connect to Continue reading
Scale Tickets
Truck scales may be equipped with many different options to increase their efficiency for both the operator and the truck driver. One of those areas that can improve efficiency is scale tickets.
Scale tickets that are placed in the printer when a driver goes over the scale and then the printer prints the weight on the ticket. Stock and custom scale tickets for most major scale manufacturers in the United States are available. These are great for various markets like agricultural commodity, livestock, timber, petroleum, aggregate or any other industry.
Whether carbonized bond or carbonless, numbered or un-numbered, blank or pre-printed with your company name and contact info, don’t forget to look at ticket printers and scale tickets when purchasing a truck scale.
It is Important To Learn As Much As You Can During The Initial Buying Stage
When looking to invest in a truck scale. It’s important to do research and learn as much as you can about truck scales. And you will likely have many questions throughout the process. Below are some of the key features of the Rice Lake Survivor line of heavy duty vehicle scales.
Built to Withstand Extreme Use
Weighbridge design and the overall weight of structural steel used directly affect the performance life of a truck scale. Many “economical” truck scale designs incorporate low grade, non-certified steel and an inferior design to reduce the cost and decrease production time. These reductions also reduce the life of the scale.
Rice Lake SURVIVOR OTR truck scales utilize up to 30% more steel than most competitive models and incorporate a longitudinal highway bridge design. More I-beams are strategically placed longitudinally with the traffic flow to ensure tire support regardless of truck position. Continue reading