We thought this was a pretty cool video to share this month. Weigh-in-Motion Commercial Vehicle Weight Enforcement packages can include a multi-platform static vehicle scale, a high-speed QWIM series in-motion vehicle presort scale, traffic control system including lane direction lights and loop sensors with automatic and manual operating modes, a remote scoreboard display to show the driver his vehicle’s gross weight and a PC with special application software to integrate the whole system. The QWIM series in-motion vehicle scale is used to identify over weight vehicles as they enter the station and direct only those that exceed weight preset limits or are randomly selected to the static scale. The others are directed to return to the main roadway.
Cardinal Scale’s Virtual Weigh Station (VWS) In-Motion Scale System measures the vehicle’s axle weights while a high-speed camera captures an image of the vehicle and transmits it and the weight data to a waiting patrol car. The display shows the last seven vehicles with an enlarged image of the user-selected thumbnail. Axle weights and spacing along with the vehicle speed, classification and gross weight are included. Provisions are included to allow the officer to enter notes specific to the selected vehicle.